[box] What is 2channel?
2channel, also known as 2chan and 2ch, is the world’s largest forum. Completely anonymous, this is where Japanese netizens can disregard age, gender, and job title to conduct discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
Usernames are non-existent, and instead users are assigned temporary, unique IDs to identify who is talking.
You’ll see the letter w used quite frequently, sometimes consecutively (“wwwwwww”). This denotes laughter, much like LOLOLOL. The more w’s, the more they’re laughing![/box]
2: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:52:14.65 ID:G2mxGW2J0
3: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:52:42.38 ID:29+FRNV30
4: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:53:01.93 ID:5dqsiza20
5: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:53:10.60 ID:px/vDhf50
6: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:53:32.31 ID:C4ACv4eg0
44: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:02:30.90 ID:CP8FZyKs0
Leave baldies out of this, dammit!
7: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:53:41.66 ID:Zz8ZaVL00
8: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:53:44.81 ID:aHtksZn+O
10: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:03.77 ID:Y76aADy40
11: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:13.86 ID:Pls+Jbhc0
12: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:13.92 ID:BbUdLWxV0
13: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:28.99 ID:42CGBoZEP
There totally were
Absolutely disgusting
14: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:34.58 ID:y/97/hrM0
24: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:43.94 ID:SVvwSHN70
32: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:59:01.62 ID:aHtksZn+O
So traumatic
And I got all the treasures in The Great Cave Offensive, too
17: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:54:56.79 ID:Ni10xCiY0
18: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:55:17.36 ID:DDXMAquz0
19: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:55:29.92 ID:38JX6Cj80
20: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:55:56.01 ID:dYuy1MAT0
21: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:25.56 ID:JedkrXPS0
22: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:28.25 ID:/4b69g+l0
23: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:32.41 ID:iFJwJm5U0
My cousin licked
I was like WTF!?
25: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:46.71 ID:irBEVfqk0
26: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:56:47.13 ID:QvggKnb70
27: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:57:36.87 ID:JXNPTJy80
28: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:58:00.78 ID:BbUdLWxV0
30: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:58:08.11 ID:TO8t30kC0
31: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:58:42.45 ID:wY5VvZLe0
There was a fatty that used to lick
Koma-chan, are you reading this? wwwwwwwwww
33: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:59:08.29 ID:RjCDyody0
34: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 15:59:49.78 ID:SV/3UzIb0
35: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:00:12.27 ID:bK6WX8vM0
39: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:01:22.86 ID:y/97/hrM0
Click! *Blow* Click!
40: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:01:25.31 ID:imcnLwji0
41: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:01:35.70 ID:P0l9numh0
Those who don’t lick are youngsters
It’s common sense for the older generation
42: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:01:48.44 ID:GaD1tVIs0
Totally licked wwww
Dunno why, but licking made it work
I was doing things that science just can’t prove
43: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:01:58.34 ID:/VhYeMF40
45: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:02:37.22 ID:BbUdLWxV0
If it didn’t turn on, my friends and I would take turns taking it in and out, and the one that got it to work was the hero of the day
46: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:02:47.93 ID:TO8t30kC0
That moment when everyone gets excited, and that one kid bumps into the game system and it freezes…
48: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:03:13.61 ID:HWfro9YQ0
If blowing didn’t help, I’d try different angles when putting it back in
49: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:04:19.83 ID:TZ8bDsH30
Blowing didn’t work sometimes, but licking did the job 100% of the time
50: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:04:20.30 ID:irF9q4LB0
I used to put the cartridge on my cheecks when I was done since it was still warm
54: Anonymous: 2013/06/22(Sat) 16:39:01.93 ID:lUWtFCvHP