Q: Compared to your early 20s, has how you view men changed?
Yes 65.9%
No 34.1%
Instead of seeking favorable external qualities, I now seek favorable personality traits
- “Instead of his looks, I now prioritize his common sense, knowledge about economics, and gentle personality.” (29)
- “I used to care less and just fixate on physical attractiveness, but now I’m more drawn to funny men. Also, his ability to make a living.” (27)
I don’t aim high as I used to
- “I used to idealize the prince in shining armor, but now I’m more partial to men who can emotionally compliment me.” (31)
- “I used to have an idea of what the perfect man was, and any man that didn’t have those qualities were off my list. But, as I get older, all I want is a man who isn’t a pain to be with, a man that I can be at peace with — I no longer have my old desires.” (29)
Instead of passion, I now want a stable future
- “I used to prefer prosperous men, but now I’d rather be with a man that can live within his means.” (26)
- “In the past, I used to feel happy in the moment, but now it’s more important for me to be happy in the years to come. If I can’t marry them, I can’t date them.” (26)
My tolerance has risen
- “I can now tolerate bald or overweight men.” (26)
- “A little ugliness is tolerable now.” (31)
Instead of how I see men, it’s more important how he sees me
- “When I was younger I valued how he appreciated my appearance or personality, but now I measure his feelings for me by how invested he is with me. Said in a clean way, instead of his words, I now pay more attention to his actions.” (30_
- “I now prioritize how much he likes me than the other way around.” (26)