[box] What is 2channel?
2channel, also known as 2chan and 2ch, is the world’s largest forum. Completely anonymous, this is where Japanese netizens can disregard age, gender, and job title to conduct discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
Usernames are non-existent, and instead users are assigned temporary, unique IDs to identify who is talking.
You’ll see the letter w used quite frequently, sometimes consecutively (“wwwwwww”). This denotes laughter, much like LOL. The more w‘s, the more they’re laughing![/box]
[It’s an easy name to remember, isn’t it? I’m Popopo]
[Orthodox Action Game, “Tinkle Popo” for Game Boy]
4: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 56: 17.27 ID: aFjZLQC70
5: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 56: 42.73 ID: 9TbXR/4g0
2: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 54: 59.81 ID: KJvplyNW0
3: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 55: 22.22 ID: AqnbnN710
7: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 57: 21.93 ID: QZqOq77N0
9: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 19: 00: 44.35 ID: nJ+Z9DH+i
10: Great Me ◆aWfrM7UWWY : 2013/05/11(Thu) 19: 00: 46.82 ID: Xjmild/T0
11: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 19: 01: 53.39 ID: yqaOIfif0
13: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 19: 02: 00.59 ID: P7nYD43V0
12: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 19: 01: 55.84 ID: mvMu/fYw0
This was HAL Laboratory’s last attempt to make it big
I heard that they gave up on design since they couldn’t afford the costs
6: VIP is filling in for No Name below: 2013/05/11(Thu) 18: 57: 15.48 ID: fslAR+Cu0