Man gets carnival lottery vendor arrested after spending $100, "there aren't any winners here!" 2

Man gets carnival lottery vendor arrested after spending $100, “there aren’t any winners here!”

Natsu Matsuri, literally summer festival in Japanese, resembles a type of carnival full of food and games, is a staple of Japanese culture and brings a large turn out each year. A lottery vendor is a typical one, where you pay to draw a number, with certain digits netting impressive prizes.

However this game of chance went wrong, and on 7/28 in Osaka, a 45 year-old lotto vendor was arrested for fraud for selling rigged lotto tickets.

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Siblings arrested for illegally copying adult DVDs in a cabin in the woods, made $3.8 million in 2 years 4

Siblings arrested for illegally copying adult DVDs in a cabin in the woods, made $3.8 million in 2 years

A mountain cabin in Kumamoto Prefecture housed a adult DVD copying workshop run by siblings in their 20s. The siblings, an older brother (28) and sister (25) were arrested on 7/17 for illegally copying adult DVDs, with over 600 copies intended for sale. According to the police, the cabin contained 104 hard drives with 600 …

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Employee gets photographed laying in store's ice cream freezer, goes viral → store's franchise contract gets cancelled, closed for good 7

Employee gets photographed laying in store’s ice cream freezer, goes viral → store’s franchise contract gets cancelled, closed for good

A 22 year old employee of Lawson, Japan’s second largest convenience store chain, became a subject of public ridicule after having his photograph posted online on 7/14. The photo in question had him laying inside an ice cream case in the store, front and back, right on top of the merchandise. Frequenters and internet detectives …

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